Friday, February 24, 2012

Osteoporosis is characterized by loss of ...

Michael A. Smith, D.

If you polled the people who asked to disease scares them most,

, probably be pretty low on the list. And let's be honest, fear more, cancer and heart disease and Alzheimer's disease is not in vain. But heres something osteoporosis, you may not know it actually deadly disease. Take a look at these statistics: When patients with osteoporosis suffer fractures Theres an increased risk of mortality from 5 to 10 years. Arent there too many diseases with complications, as deadly as this. So I like to marry with this blog is to introduce you to some lesser-known nutrients that can help keep your bones dense and strong, as with age. But, first, to determine osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is defined as a decrease in bone mass and bone density. This demineralization of bones can lead to loss of bone strength and eventually breaks, if not corrected. The figure below illustrates the loss of minerals in osteoporosis. Scientific achievements showed that the etiology of osteoporosis is associated not only with hormonal imbalances, and micronutrients, oxidative stress, high blood sugar, inflammation, physical inactivity and components of metabolic syndrome as well. Now let's look at some bones increase nutrients. The important role played by trace elements in bone health is often overlooked by traditional medicine. For example, new research

aroused great scientific interest, revealed his participation, together with vitamin D, and bone health and atherosclerosis, a condition which osteoporosis is closely related. 6.7

Actually, these two conditions can be seen as a mirror of each other. Osteoporosis is characterized by loss of calcium from the bones while atherosclerosis is characterized by an excessive influx of calcium in the artery walls. And low levels of vitamin K contribute to this unhealthy balance. That is why we recommend daily intake of vitamin K. Here's how vitamin shares of our offer dose for each type:

Strontium Bone mineral known for its preservation properties. Were studied in the 1960's some amazing results, but lost favor because people thought it was like strontium found in the effects of nuclear testing. We assure you it is not. Since about 2009, strontium did return. It has been shown in several products after striking findings. In one study, bone mineral density (IPC), continuously increases with strontium for 10 years in women with osteoporosis. Even more impressive was the fact that vertebrates and without fractures was lower, from 5 to 10 years than in the placebo group. The authors concluded that strontium offers long-term protection against fractures. Recent studies have shown that an extract of plums can be an important component of intelligent applications bone health. In a study of 58 postmenopausal women, those who were randomized to receive 100 grams of concentrated product discharge in their daily the drug lasix diet for three months showed that experienced a positive effect on bone. These women showed a significant increase in serum levels of biological markers that reflect the high rate of bone formation. Laboratory studies have also shown that concentrated plums polyphenols inhibit the cellular signals that cause bone breakdown. 10.11

Plum polyphenols to promote bone deposition by increasing the osteoblasts (bone building cells) activity and function of their impact on specific cellular signaling compounds and increased expression of an enzyme involved in collagen crosslinks. You want to live longer and healthy? Then make sure the remaining active priority. To do this, do not neglect the true bones. Keep them healthy and strong, and you'll increase the odds

stay healthy and strong too. JAMA. 2009 February 4, 301 (5) :513-21. Radiology Clin North Am. May 2010, 48 (3) :483-95. Like Mobile Endokrinol. 30 October 2009 310 (1-2) :21-9. Epub April 2009 17. Bone. 2012 Jan; 50 (1) :401-408. Epub 2011 Nov. 30. J Invest Endokrinol. 2005, 28 (10 Suppl) :69-72. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 July, 24 (7) :1161-70. Epub 2004 May 20. Osteoporos Int. 29 November 2011. [Http :/ / www. NCBI. NLM. NIH. gov/pubmed/22124575]

J Women's Health Gend Based honey. 2002 Jan; 11 (1) :61-8. Calcif tissue Int. 2008 June, 82 (6) :475-88. Bone. 2006 December, 39 (6) :1331-42. J Nutr Biochem. 2009 Jan, 20 (1) :35-44. .

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